Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My Letter
If you have a friend or family member who you think it struggling with an eating disorder please feel free to print this off and share it with them. It might help them know that they aren't alone and there is someone who truly understands their pain.
To those who are suffering:
I speak to you with all sincerity from the deepest part of my heart. I truly understand your anguish and battle over this substance named food. I acknowledge that not everyone with Anorexia or other eating disorders has the same experience, but I speak from what I know.
First and foremost, I plead for you to go to someone with your problem. Get professional help. This disease will not stop without treatment. Do not believe that you can heal alone. For months I tried with every ounce of energy inside myself to overcome the mental monster that taunted each bite, but I still lost weight and grew increasingly ill. I allowed the disorder to control me until, according to all medical understanding, I should have died. It did literally kill me, and only by the will and power of our Father in Heaven was I permitted to continue my journey on Earth. Do not allow this disease to bind you to that depth of physical catastrophe.
Know that no number on the scale or size on a label is small enough to give you joy. Do not allow yourself to fall into the belief that “If I lose five more pounds, I will be happy.” This notion is false and destructive. I know, because at 85 pounds I was more miserable and lost than at the healthier size I was after recovery and am today.
I know there is a battle within you. A part of you wants to get healthy and stop the deprivation, and part of you doesn’t. Trust my words: you want to heal. There is life more glorious than you can imagine waiting for you. You need to heal to be capable of enjoying it.
I know how the disorder becomes part of your identity, who you think you are. You may feel, “Who am I, if I’m not an anorexic?” You need to find a passion, a purpose. Make that a part of your identity and leave the disorder behind.
You are worthy of all nourishment and health. Thinness is not perfection. You don’t need to be perfect; allow yourself to be human. Recognize that your sorrow is not about food, but about deeper issues. Get treatment for them. Learn to love yourself and love your body.
You are unique, beautiful, and loved by many, including our God and His son Jesus Christ. Even if you doubt their Deity, know that I know they love you, and know you personally. You have great worth and a purpose, an individual plan that only you can complete. Get the assistance you need to heal and achieve it.
(published in A Future for Tomorrow by Haley Freeman)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Winner Is...
(Nicole please e-mail me at afuturefortomorrow@gmail.com)
Thank you to those who entered and helped share the word about my contest.
Remember the discount price and FREE shipping sale for A Future for Tomorrow goes until Jan 1st.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Extra Entries
Leave me a comment letting me know and a link so I can check it out.
I will put your name in THREE times for the drawing!
(refer to last post for contest details)
Thank you for helping me spread the word!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Free Book Christmas Giveaway!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
New Interview
Most of her questions are different than any I've been asked before with both fun and serious ones. Click here for interview.

Friday, November 20, 2009
The Magic of Allowing Imperfection

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009
Nothing to Fear

Monday, September 21, 2009
Two New Reviews

(Click on Tamara Heniner's name to read review)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
TV Interview
Thursday, August 13, 2009
By Mark L. Shurtleff
Here is a link to Valor's Blog

I'm anxious to read this book and can think of several others in my family that I know would love it as well.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Their Weakness
Do you feel pressure to shape your behavior to mold to what they think is acceptable?
This person might be wonderful in all other aspects, but they have a weakness to judge in this area and it causes you pain.
I’m going to share one of the most powerful words of council I received.
But first I need you to picture the behavior and examine what you believe about it.
I’m going to use the example of food and weight because it seems to be the most prevalent and something I can relate to.
What is the believe surrounding eating certain foods or being overweight imposed on you by your loved one?
Do you feel that they wont love you if you are too heavy? Do you feel guilty when you eat a certain food around them, because they don’t approve of it? Is there something really "sinful" about the food or amount?
Do you think this person will be disappointed in you if gain weight or not loss weight?
(Place your issue into this type of analyse.)
Now I want you to review what is true. What is right?
Food shouldn't hold that much power, it is only a substance.
Your value and worth doesn’t change when the scale's number does. Does Heavenly Father love you less when you eat ice cream? Does He value you less when you are a heavier weight? Does Heavenly Father want you to feel guilty for eating?
The second set of believes are eternal truth so the other believes are wrong or even sinful to a degree because it is contrary to what is God’s truth.
Now here is the council that helped change my life:
I decided I wasn’t going to. That I wasn’t going to put this person before Heavenly Father and His truth, by living to this person’s flawed believe. I want to live to what is true and place value on Heavenly Father’s truth. I will no longer live to conform my life to follow someone else’s weakness.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Personal Story

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One thing that goes along with my pregnancies is sever morning sickness (what a inaccurate name- all day sickness is more like it.) I actually am extremely sick for the entire nine months as well. There are more fun medical details about it, but I won't get into all of it.
I'll try to still keep up the occasional post but if you don't hear from me that is why.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Deserted Island

Would you be at peace not worrying about what other's thought about you?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
LDS Publisher

Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Landmark List

I was honored to have the privileged to read this work before it was in print and was thrilled to find out my endorsement statement was chosen to be on the back of her book along with a family therapist. Here are our quotes:
"The Landmark List's powerful message is life changing and invaluable. Karen Eddington has cleverly merged self-improvement with characters you can journey with to find self-acceptance, purpose, and peace." --Haley Hatch Freeman
Author of A Future for Tomorrow
"The Landmark List will rescue you from the monotony and stress of everyday life and help you create yourself, your goals, your dreams, your relationships, and the life you have longed for."--Kevin N. Barlow, M.S.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
I have found that each chapter, if not each page, is loaded with life changing messages, quotes, and food for thought that I have decided to break it down and work on each piece a week or a few days at a time. I recommend everyone doing the same.
I love that Karen put quotes throughout the book. Here are a couple of my favorite:
"Feeling self-worth is a result of choice and accountability. Everyday, we create ourselves."
"If you can identify a purpose in everything you do, it will make you great."

Buy The Landmark List from amazon.com here
Karen's first book Today I live... is also a powerful tool. It is for women of any age, but relates exceptionally well to teenage girls.
The Landmark list is geared to adults both men and women, however young adults could benefit from it as well. Again both books are a must read in my opinion.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The give away is a book by Kersten Campbell

Friday, June 19, 2009
Food Messages

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Any Questions?

I'll keep your questions completely confidential.
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009
Worthy To Be Loved

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Young Women's Girl's Camp
Both stakes were full of remarkable young women and leaders. I feel honored to be apart of their camps.I pray that a part of the messages they heard Tuesday night will make a lasting impression upon them.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Forethought and Purpose

Hearts and Hands
Forethought and Purpose
Lori has interviewed me and posted our interview on her site Forethought and Purpose
Her questions included fun, get-to-know-you questions as well as deep questions such as
Give us one piece of advice/wisdom for the world?
Lori is also hosting a free book giveaway on her site right now of my book, A Future for Tomorrow. It goes until June 12th so go enter, and good luck!
(Also, on Lori's post from Friday, May 22 [on very bottom of her page] she mentions more about my story.)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Addictive Eating

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Interesting Eating Disorder Statistics
Monday, June 1, 2009
Why Are You Unique?

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Surprise Book Review

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Today, I Live.
The last page of Karen Eddington's book says "Pass it on" I love the encouragement she gives to try to keep her message of self acceptance and peace moving forward and expanding.
So this is one way i am passing it on.
She has many wonderful statements to ponder as well as questions. That it way it was hard for me to decide which one to feature today. Which is exactly the reason why I recommend getting this book (I linked you to amazon to buy it if you click her title in the first sentence)
The question I decided to post is under her Worth and Purpose page,
"How are the people and things around me impacting how I feel about myself?"
I remember years ago being told that my believes about myself were based too heavily on what other's thought of me. It was explained by using the example of a mirror. I reflected what others felt or what I thought they felt about me and internalized it as truth.
I catch myself doing it somewhat still today. I'm sure most of us do to a certain degree. If we receive praise and admiration throughout the day I'm sure we all hold our heads a little higher. However, if we had a rough day and a few people had judgmental comments or gestures toward us we can't help but feel down. Or can we?

If you are absolutely firm in your self concept and the worth you know you have, there is nothing anyone can do or say to change your mind. Reflect instead the love and worth the Savior and Heavenly Father have for us. We have infinite value that our mortal minds can't even conceive of. Even as I type I feel the spirit testifying this truth to me. I know without a doubt our worth as daughters of God is intensely great.
I had a challenge a little while ago for you to pray for a week straight to feel and know of your worth I want to extend that again as something you continually seek.
In addition to that, this weeks official challenge is to notice how your mood and feelings of value change depending on your external factors and other's believes of you. Challenge those feelings with what you know to be true.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I absolutely LOVE this book!!! It is different than anything I've ever seen because it is a picture book with bright illustrations, but filled with deep wisdom and uplifting messages. I have joined the author, Karen Eddington, in the effort to spread the message of the importance of self esteem. She has invited me to join her for a couple stake girls camp presentations, which I am looking forward to in June.
Monday, May 18, 2009
One Lovely Blog Award

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Self-Esteem Building Exercise

I found a great site with self-esteem building exercises on it. It is called selfesteem2go.com
I remember hearing that part of the test of this life is to see how we take care of our body, "our temple." That has stuck with me and I want to show my Father in Heaven that I can take care of the body he gave me. The body that is mandatory for me fulfill my eternal purpose.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Publishing Secrets
I love helping anyone with questions so feel free to keep asking. If I don't know I have a few friends and resources I can use to hopefully give you the answer you need.
However, ever person I talk to I end up recommending this book to them. It is called LDS STORYMAKERS Publishing Secrets. I want to link it from my site so you can buy your own copy from amazon.
It's great for a few reasons, one is that it is written by several authors who have great experience in the topic. So you hear several opinions and scenarios instead of just one persons.
It is great specifically if you are trying to get published in the LDS market, but it does talk about all different types of publishing.
I felt a little overwhelmed when I first started reading it from cover to cover then I decided to just read a chapter at a time, along my own publishing process. I used it as an instruction manual of sorts as I approached each step.
I was thrilled to find they also have a book called "Writing Secrets" It is equally wonderful and another one I recommend!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Book Giveaway!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Trisit Pinkston's New Release Agent in Old Lace
(To Pre-order this book click on book's cover image above.)
You can link over to her blog to participate. This is what the contest is about and a copy of what she has on her blog:
A Very Tristi Contest!
To celebrate the release of my new book, "Agent in Old Lace," I'm holding the coolest contest I've ever held! Because the book is a mystery novel, I'm sending you on a scavenger hunt all over the Internet. There are three sets of clues on sixteen websites.
First, you must find them all. Then, you must arrange them into groups (they are labeled 1, 2, and 3 - that part's not so mysterious). Then you must decide what they are referring to. Remember the game "Clue," where you discovered that the culprit was Miss Scarlet, in the library, with the rope? You, too, must figure out who did it, where, and with what.
After you have obtained these clues, send me your answer at tristi AT tristipinkston.com with "contest" in the subject line. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing.
And what does the lucky winner receive for all their hard work? A pretty cool prize!
This package contains a popcorn bowl, three flavors of popcorn, a $25.00 gift card to Blockbuster, and a copy of "Agent in Old Lace."
Are you all set to go? Are you rarin' to get ready?
Here are your clues. Each of the bloggers listed below can be found in the sidebar of my blog, either under the "If I'm Not Home, You Can Find Me Here" heading, or the "Or You Might Find Me Here" heading. You may need to do a little clicking and scrolling, but hey, to the victor go the spoils ... or, to the victor goes the cool prize.
"Who" Clues:
1. This blogger raises chickens and wrote "Lemon Tart."
2. This blogger runs marathons and wrote "Parenting the Ephraim's Child."3. This blogger is a political activist and wrote "Out of the Shadows ... Into the Light."4. This blogger makes pottery and wrote "False Pretenses."5. This blogger was raised in a drug store and wrote "The Forgotten Warrior."
"Where" Clues:1.
This blogger was born overseas and wrote "Reasonable Doubt."
2. This blogger used to live in England and wrote "Please, No Zits."
3. This blogger wrote a darling picture book about Down Syndrome and is the author of "Heaven Scent."
4. This blogger is a former publisher and is the assistant manager at Provident Book.
5. This blogger feels like toast and wrote "The Santa Letters."
"With What" Clues:
1. This blogger founded ANWA and wrote "Trail of Storms."
2. This blogger is a seminary teacher and wrote "Powerful Tips for Powerful Teachers."
3. This blogger is addicted to peanut butter cups and wrote "Shadow of the Crown."
4. This blogger is a Whitney Award winner and wrote "Counting Stars."
5. This blogger is a nurse and wrote "Sharing Through Song."
6. This blogger is the Utah Best in State Award winner for Fiction, 2007, and wrote "Tower of Strength."
Okay! You've been given your directions. Visit the designated blogs and look for your clues. Your clues will be marked with this symbol:
You may need all the clues in that category to pinpoint the information you need. You have until May 30th at midnight send me an e-mail with your guess as to who, where, and with what. You can piece it all together by using the Internet as your guide. A hint ... on the "what," the first two clues tell you what brand, the second two clues tell you what kind, and the last clues tell you what item.
Good luck!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
10 Things Parents Can Do to Help Prevent Eating Disorders

by Michael Levine, Ph.D.