Going to the LDS Bookseller's convention yesterday was one of the neatest experiences yet concerning my book. I was able to place tons of books to store owners all over the nation. I remember visiting with people from New York, Michigan, Arizona, Las Vegas, Washington, and more!
There was such a great reception to my book, better than I could have imagined! A representative from Deseret Book was ecstatic about my book, she said there are not very many resources covering eating disorders right now. She said lots of people have come into her store asking for literature and she has nothing to revere them to, except one small talk on CD.
I also met a lady who's sister died of anorexia. She for sure will be selling my book in her store. She hugged me and was so happy that I made it through this powerful disorder.
Almost EVERY person in my line said they knew someone that had an eating disorder. I was amazed at how many people said "I'm so happy this book is out there! This is so needed right now!"
People that didn't know someone effected by the disease were so excited to read about my spiritual occurrences that happened while I was in between life and death.
Several store owners came up to my booth after being told "You have to go check this book out" by other store owners!
Brandon walked around the conference and said I had more people in line than any other's he saw!!!!
One lady told me that my book needs to go national! "This needs to go big." She said. She went on and on about it.
Another high light was meeting Author, Marcia Lynn McClure. She was there promoting her 14th book, The Highwayman of Zanglewood. She was so kind and welcoming to me. She came over and said "Welcome to the Granite family. You're part of us now." We swapped books and she had so much passion for my book. She told me she wants to sell it on her successful Internet book sells business. She said it isn't an LDS site but she wants my book to go nation because eating disorders is a nation problem. She added with a grin "Plus it will be a great missionary tool."
I felt the spirit so strong the entire time. I had to fight back tears as it testified to me that this is where I was suppose to be.
Miracles occurred to just help me make the convention. First of all, getting my books printed in time. There was a hectic rush and we barely made it! Second, I hurt my ankle during a four-wheeler accident. Thank heavens it wasn't worse and that I've healed quickly, allowing me to attend convention using only one crutch =)
Thirdly, my entire family has been throwing up and extremely sick! I have a horrible immunity and catch EVERYTHING. Brandon gave me a special blessing that I would not get this illness so I could make it to convention and guess what? I'm the ONLY one in my family well.
Thank you all for your love and support. I learned how much it means to me yesterday.