I'm sure you have heard about Stephanie Neilson's remarkable story before, but her courage and strength has really touched me lately, here is Stephanie's story:
My favorite line of hers is, "I am not my body"
Yes, our bodies are vitally important for our progression in this life and the next but knowing that we are MORE than our bodies is priceless.
Stephanie's blog: Nie Nie Dialogues
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Recapturing Beauty
I love and participate in the campaign BYU does to encourage women to recapture their true beauty. I found this segment about it and I wanted to share it,
This year they have a new calendar of 10 challenges to do. They have a challenge for each day, plus a journal prompt.
Here is a downloadable list of them:
It is amazing!!!
Day One: Body Kindness
Day Two: Spiritual Gifts
Day Three: Self Talk
Day Four: Meaningful Compliments
Day Five: Self Expression
Day Six: Media Resilience
Day Seven: Makeup Reflections
Day Eight: Body Love Letter
Day Nine: Supermodels vs. Role ModelsDay Ten: Spread the Love: Social Media
Again, you can download the details to these challenges here
I hope you recapture your TRUE BEAUTY! If you have a teen or pre-teen daughter I think this would be a great project to do together!
I would love to hear about your experience so feel free to leave a comment of e-mail me at afuturefortomorrow@gmail.com
This year they have a new calendar of 10 challenges to do. They have a challenge for each day, plus a journal prompt.
Here is a downloadable list of them:
It is amazing!!!
Day One: Body Kindness
Day Two: Spiritual Gifts
Day Three: Self Talk
Day Four: Meaningful Compliments
Day Five: Self Expression
Day Six: Media Resilience
Day Seven: Makeup Reflections
Day Eight: Body Love Letter
Day Nine: Supermodels vs. Role ModelsDay Ten: Spread the Love: Social Media
Again, you can download the details to these challenges here
I hope you recapture your TRUE BEAUTY! If you have a teen or pre-teen daughter I think this would be a great project to do together!
I would love to hear about your experience so feel free to leave a comment of e-mail me at afuturefortomorrow@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Walk tall, You're a Daughter of God
Last Sunday in Relief Society a mother and daughter sang this song. It was very touching and sang beautifully. I have heard it before and even sang it as a young woman but had nearly forgotten about it until this week. One verse especially is powerful, I bolded those lyrics below.
I hope you can walk tall because you are a daughter of God today and always.
Walk Tall Your A Daughter Of God
Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart,
A prayer for each of you there is a special part.
That you remember who you are and him who lives above.
Please seek for him and live his way; You'll feel his love.
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.
Long before the time you can remember,
Our Father held you in his arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as he sent you down to earth.
He said, "My child, I love you. Don't forget your great worth."
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.
This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way his path we may not see.
But remember always that you are not alone.
He'll take your hand, He loves you! He will guide you home.
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand
Friday, May 27, 2011
Inspirational Message
"We often block our own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough." is just one of the messages I found impactive while watching the Oprah show finale.
I've watched Oprah off and on throughout the years and always found her to be a kind-hearted, generous person with great depth.
I watched her last show this week and discovered that it was full of eternal truths and inspiration. She said, “There is a difference, you know, between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy of happiness.”
How true and powerful that statement is! Read that again, do you feel worthy of happiness? Worthy of success, health, and of blessings?
A few weeks ago in a church meeting the speaker said, "Don't hesitate to take those blessings. They are there for you, reach out and claim them." I think women especially are timid to accept blessings because we feel unworthy of them. Why do we do that to ourselves? Of course we aren't perfect and never will be in this life but we don't have to be perfect to receive all the blessings and gifts our Father in Heaven has for us.
How would you feel if you prepared a special gift for your child and they felt unworthy or undeserving to accept it? That would break my heart. Don't be afraid to reach out and claim your blessings!
Back to the finale of the Oprah show, here is another statement Oprah shared by Dr. Taylor, "Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space. " I like this because it acknowledges that we can make decisions and chose the kind of energy we existent to others. She continued by saying, “Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter what your mama did; it doesn’t matter what your daddy didn’t do. You are responsible for your life. … You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.”
Oprah shared another piece of wisdom:"What I knew for sure from this experience with you is that we are all called. Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it."
"[A calling] lights you up and it lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. And that is what I want for all of you and hope that you will take from this show. To live from the heart of yourself. You have to make a living; I understand that. But you also have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world."I have experienced this feeling every time I've spoken about my book and story, whether it was a small group of students or an auditorium full of women at a convention, I've been overwhelmed with the sense of knowing this is where I am meant to be at this moment.
There were several other concepts worth mentioning (you can read her entire show by clicking here: Oprah Finale ) but the last one I want to mention is about validation.
"...Everybody wants to be heard. They want to know: 'Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?'It has worked for this platform, and I guarantee you it will work for yours. Try it with your children, your husband, your wife, your boss, your friends. Validate them. 'I see you. I hear you. And what you say matters to me.'"I looked at each of my children's pictures and repeated this for each child. I connected deeper and was more in tune to each one of them afterward. It has made me simply more aware.
Then in an age appropriate way, I have said this to each of them.
As time goes on I'm sure I will need another reminder of this principal so I'm going to make a wall hanging and put one in each child's room with this saying. Then I'm going to explain to them that this is how I and their dad feels, as well has their Father in Heaven.

I watched her last show this week and discovered that it was full of eternal truths and inspiration. She said, “There is a difference, you know, between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy of happiness.”
How true and powerful that statement is! Read that again, do you feel worthy of happiness? Worthy of success, health, and of blessings?
A few weeks ago in a church meeting the speaker said, "Don't hesitate to take those blessings. They are there for you, reach out and claim them." I think women especially are timid to accept blessings because we feel unworthy of them. Why do we do that to ourselves? Of course we aren't perfect and never will be in this life but we don't have to be perfect to receive all the blessings and gifts our Father in Heaven has for us.
How would you feel if you prepared a special gift for your child and they felt unworthy or undeserving to accept it? That would break my heart. Don't be afraid to reach out and claim your blessings!
Back to the finale of the Oprah show, here is another statement Oprah shared by Dr. Taylor, "Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space. " I like this because it acknowledges that we can make decisions and chose the kind of energy we existent to others. She continued by saying, “Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter what your mama did; it doesn’t matter what your daddy didn’t do. You are responsible for your life. … You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.”
Oprah shared another piece of wisdom:"What I knew for sure from this experience with you is that we are all called. Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it."
"[A calling] lights you up and it lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. And that is what I want for all of you and hope that you will take from this show. To live from the heart of yourself. You have to make a living; I understand that. But you also have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world."I have experienced this feeling every time I've spoken about my book and story, whether it was a small group of students or an auditorium full of women at a convention, I've been overwhelmed with the sense of knowing this is where I am meant to be at this moment.
There were several other concepts worth mentioning (you can read her entire show by clicking here: Oprah Finale ) but the last one I want to mention is about validation.
"...Everybody wants to be heard. They want to know: 'Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?'It has worked for this platform, and I guarantee you it will work for yours. Try it with your children, your husband, your wife, your boss, your friends. Validate them. 'I see you. I hear you. And what you say matters to me.'"I looked at each of my children's pictures and repeated this for each child. I connected deeper and was more in tune to each one of them afterward. It has made me simply more aware.
Then in an age appropriate way, I have said this to each of them.
As time goes on I'm sure I will need another reminder of this principal so I'm going to make a wall hanging and put one in each child's room with this saying. Then I'm going to explain to them that this is how I and their dad feels, as well has their Father in Heaven.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Feed Your Soul Radio Interview

This is an interview I will never forget! I was a guest on the radio show called Feed Your Soul hosted by Irma Haggith on May 17th.
It was an evening show out of Ontario Canada.
Ironically, during the days prior to the interview I was wondering, how I could make this interview different and interesting. I've done many interviews and I was trying to think of a different angle or new information to share. Well, this interview definitely was different!
Since the interview was out of Canada I called in to the show instead of actually being in the studio like I have done for local stations. I've called in to several other interview shows this way and they went perfectly.
This time however we had technical difficultly. For some reason the show's switch boards were not recognizing me or anyone calling in. I could hear the hostess but she couldn't hear me. Luckily, there is a function with this type of radio show where the listeners can chat and type in their questions or comments during the interview. I was able to log on to that web page. From there, the hostess spoke and asked me questions and I typed my answers which she read and shared with the listeners. Wow, what an experience! I couldn't share as much information this way but nevertheless we were able to complete our interview and hopefully shed some light on eating disorders and my book.
After a few chuckles between the hostess and myself (what else could we do) I was invited back for another time.
I think Irma (the hostess) did a wonderful job relaying the information and filling in the space so there was no dead air.
Here is the link to listen to our improvised interview: Feed Your Soul
Monday, May 16, 2011
Live Radio Interview

You can call in with your questions or comments and be apart of the live show! Here is the number
(714) 583-6824
After the show you can still hear the interview anytime by using the same link. (interview link)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
OWN Addicted to Food

I was contacted by a representative on behalf of OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network to let me know about the new series Addicted To Food. They were interested in my feedback and also encouraged me to help spread the word about this show since they were aware of what I do.
I actually saw previews for this series and had already set my dvr to record it. I’m interested because as we know eating disorders, no matter at what end of the spectrum they are, (compulsive eating or anorexia) they have many of the same underlying causes and treatment is often the same.
Here is a little info about the show:

Addicted To Food first episodes airs tonight, Tuesday April 12th, at both 7:00 and 8:00 MST. I have Direct TV so it is on channel 279 for me.
You can watch the first episode online at: http://www.oprah.com/own-addicted-to-food/Addicted-to-Food-Welcome-to-Treatment-FULL-EPISODE or learn more about the show at http://www.oprah.com/addictedtofood.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Good Things Utah Segment!
I've been overwhelmed with all the positive feedback, book orders, facebook comments, letters, phone calls, speaking invitations, and simply put the love and support from all of you. Thank you so much! It has meant the world to me.
If you missed it here is my segment!
You can help me share my story by going on the Good Things Utah site and click the "recommend" button.
Here I am at the ABC studio.
Here is part of the GTU set with Nicea doing a cooking segment.
I'm getting my mic placed in this photo.
I'm talking to the Ladies of GTU here during the commercial break. I felt like I could visit them all day!
Special Discount:
I announced on the show about the discount going on now, the deal continues until Friday and free shipping ends tonight at midnight. Hope you take advantage of this deal!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Good Things Utah!

Ever since I knew I was going to pursue writing a book I imagined one day being on the studios of ABC4 Good Things Utah telling about my story and book.
Guess what!?!?!?
I'm scheduled to be on Good Things Utah this coming Monday, April 4th!!!!!! Show airs on ABC4 at 10:00 Live!

Of course I will be posting all about it so don't forget to pop back in here after Monday. I know my segment will also be available on their website after the show.
I don't know for sure their ticket availability but I do know they have a live audience and here is the link to get your tickets, I believe they are FREE. It would great seeing you there! (Their studio is in Salt Lake City)
Good Things Utah Special!
I am offering a discount price of my book next week's weekdays in celebration of this TV opportunity (Monday April 4th - Friday April 9th.)
I am also offering free shipping for 24 hours after my segment airs. (Monday April 4th at 10:00 - Tues. April 5th at 11:00)
Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a signed copy of A Future for Tomorrow for this one time offer!
Orders have to be placed from http://www.afuturefortomorrow.com/purchase.html
Friday, March 25, 2011
Beautiful, Valiant Spirits

Beautiful and valiant are the two words that come to mind when describing the young women I spoke to this week at a Stake Fireside in Pleasant Grove.
What amazingly strong young women we have in these days. As I spoke to the chapel full of their beaming faces I felt the overwhelming love their Father in Heaven has for them. The sad part is seeing how few of them knew it.
My presentations change a bit depending on the event, however when speaking to women of any age I always feel the impression that these daughters need to be reminded of their divine worth, inner beauty, and the power in knowing that they're daughters of the most powerful God.
No doubt Satan knows his greatest tool in keeping these young women and us from actually completing our sacred mission on earth is keeping us blinded to the fact that we are deeply loved spiritual daughters with infinite worth and potential.
Think of that, literally we cannot fulfill our purpose, or mission, part of our reason for this existence on Earth if Satan can destroy our self-worth. He can halt our service to others, and our personal growth with this one tool.
Wednesday I shared quotes such as the quote I have as my blog header above and this one:
“As daughters of God, you cannot imagine the divine potential within each of you.
Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity. You will know who you are. This will make you free—not free from restraints, but free from doubts, anxieties, or peer pressure. You will not need to worry, “Do I look all right?” “Do I sound OK?” “What do people think of me?” A conviction that you are a daughter of God gives you a feeling of comfort in your self-worth. It means that you can find strength in the balm of Christ. It will help you meet the heartaches and challenges with faith and serenity.” --- James. E. Faust
As I spoke I saw many girls squirm in their seats as I told them how beautiful and amazing they were.
I saw girls uncomfortably ducking as if saying "that doesn't apply me, my worth is not great. I am not beautiful."
I get it. I was once there and still need to be reminded at times that I'm good enough, and loved.
I too need to rise above such feelings at times, but how grateful I am that the debilitating low self-esteem is something I have left behind forever.
I pray the girls and women I speak to will feel their worth and commit to sustaining and cultivating this truth.
Wonderfully, on Wednesday night there were many that have internalized these principals and radiated with this conviction.
But seeing the few that battled to accept their self broke my heart. I imagined how it must feel for our Father and Mother in Heaven watching their children be oblivious to and even denying their great value.
What can we do?
There are several things as individuals we can do to feel our worth and things we can do to help our children.
Of course I am always saying start with yourself! If you have a good self-esteem that will flow to your children.
Today I would like to stick to one challenge that I extended to the young women at the fireside, simply pray to know your worth, pray to feel His love for you.
I know our Father in Heaven will answer your sincere prayers.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Divine Light Within Radio
This Thursday morning I'm going to be interviewed on the radio show called Divine Light Within with hostess Bonnie Ross. It airs live at 9:00 (MST) and can be heard any time afterword. It is another interview out of Canada which is always exciting.

Hostess Bonnie Ross.
If you want to learn more about her and what she does feel free to visit her site http://www.bonnieross.com/.
The interview can be heard on your computer just click on the link below and it should take you right to it.
Divine Light Within Radio with Author Haley Hatch Freeman
You are welcome to call in during the live interview with your comments or questions, here is the number:

Hostess Bonnie Ross.
If you want to learn more about her and what she does feel free to visit her site http://www.bonnieross.com/.
The interview can be heard on your computer just click on the link below and it should take you right to it.
Divine Light Within Radio with Author Haley Hatch Freeman
You are welcome to call in during the live interview with your comments or questions, here is the number:
Monday, March 7, 2011
Parents say the Dumbest Things

I'm really frustrated with the dumb things parents say that leave a lasting scar on their children. I have received countless letters, phone calls, e-mails. ect... from people all over the world and everyone without fail will mention some comment, usually said by a father, that hurt them deeply and ended up being one of the triggers for their eating disorder.
I've mentioned this in my book and I often tell this in my interviews, but as a teen I picked up the message from my dad that being heavier was not ok. I saw his looks of disapproval when someone had seconds on desert, and heard comments like, "do you really need that." It was nothing extreme but enough to add to my triggers of having anorexia.
I tend to think most the comments are made in ignorance by a parent or loved one not realizing how sensitive someone with an eating disorder (or tendency toward one) is.
That is why I'm doing this post. Awareness is power when it comes to eating disorders.
A sad thing is I have talked to several girls who have relapsed because of a comment. The comment, "You are filling out nicely," can have good intentions behind it but to someone battling with anorexia she hears "you are getting fat." And this can cause a relapse.
The best thing to do if you have a family member with an eating disorder is not make physically comments at all. It's too bad but true with any physical comment, even one meant as a compliment, someone with an eating disorder or who are self conscious about themselves will always twist it in their mind to be a negative comment. You really can't win so just steer away from physical remarks.
Often it doesn't even have to be an actual comment but body language, or a message sent unintentionally.
Another comment that really drives me crazy is when someone says, " I wish I had an eating disorder for a little while" as they pat their belly implying they could use it as a "tool" to loose weight.
I'm just asking first of all, be aware of comments you tell your children about their weight and food. You never know which comment will stick with them and cause problems down the road.
Second, be sensitive. Obvious comments about food, appearance, and diets are something my associates and myself are extra sensitive to but being aware and in control of your words could really help prevent heartache for those around you.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Barnes and Noble. com
My book A Future for Tomorrow is now available through Barnes and Noble. Here is the link:
A Future for Tomorrow at Barnes and Noble
I just noticed that you can "like" the link for facebook so if you have a second feel free to pop in and "like" my book at Barnes and Noble or even leave a rating or review! Thanks!
A Future for Tomorrow at Barnes and Noble
I just noticed that you can "like" the link for facebook so if you have a second feel free to pop in and "like" my book at Barnes and Noble or even leave a rating or review! Thanks!
Monday, January 3, 2011
New Discount Price for Breakthrough Women's Conference
The audio of Breakthrough: Peace with Food, Peace with your Body is now only 9.95
(the conference was a $40 event)
I speak along with several other remarkable ladies about women's relationship with food, self-acceptance, spiritual connection with nutrition, and more. This audio includes the entire day long convention filled with life changing presentations and breathtaking musical performances.
Purchase now by clicking on button below

Don't forget the bundle deal still available you get both a signed copy of A Future for Tomorrow and the audio of Breakthrough for a great price!
Break Through Audio and A Future for Tomorrow Book Bundle Deal Button below

or you can contact me at afuturefortomorrow@gmail.com
(the conference was a $40 event)
I speak along with several other remarkable ladies about women's relationship with food, self-acceptance, spiritual connection with nutrition, and more. This audio includes the entire day long convention filled with life changing presentations and breathtaking musical performances.
Purchase now by clicking on button below

Don't forget the bundle deal still available you get both a signed copy of A Future for Tomorrow and the audio of Breakthrough for a great price!
Break Through Audio and A Future for Tomorrow Book Bundle Deal Button below

or you can contact me at afuturefortomorrow@gmail.com
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