Ever since I knew I was going to pursue writing a book I imagined one day being on the studios of ABC4 Good Things Utah telling about my story and book.
Guess what!?!?!?
I'm scheduled to be on Good Things Utah this coming Monday, April 4th!!!!!! Show airs on ABC4 at 10:00 Live!

Of course I will be posting all about it so don't forget to pop back in here after Monday. I know my segment will also be available on their website after the show.
I don't know for sure their ticket availability but I do know they have a live audience and here is the link to get your tickets, I believe they are FREE. It would great seeing you there! (Their studio is in Salt Lake City)
Good Things Utah Special!
I am offering a discount price of my book next week's weekdays in celebration of this TV opportunity (Monday April 4th - Friday April 9th.)
I am also offering free shipping for 24 hours after my segment airs. (Monday April 4th at 10:00 - Tues. April 5th at 11:00)
Don't miss out on this opportunity to get a signed copy of A Future for Tomorrow for this one time offer!
Orders have to be placed from http://www.afuturefortomorrow.com/purchase.html
1 comment:
Haley I watched your segment on GoodThings Utah and you did such an awesome job! I loved all the things you talked about and it is so nice to see how sucessful you are with your book!
Love you!
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