I was contacted by a representative on behalf of OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network to let me know about the new series Addicted To Food. They were interested in my feedback and also encouraged me to help spread the word about this show since they were aware of what I do.
I actually saw previews for this series and had already set my dvr to record it. I’m interested because as we know eating disorders, no matter at what end of the spectrum they are, (compulsive eating or anorexia) they have many of the same underlying causes and treatment is often the same.
Here is a little info about the show:

Addicted To Food first episodes airs tonight, Tuesday April 12th, at both 7:00 and 8:00 MST. I have Direct TV so it is on channel 279 for me.
You can watch the first episode online at: http://www.oprah.com/own-addicted-to-food/Addicted-to-Food-Welcome-to-Treatment-FULL-EPISODE or learn more about the show at http://www.oprah.com/addictedtofood.