Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Book Club

I have a book club special to offer you.

If you are in a book club or want to start one and use my book as the book club choice you will be entered into a contest

plus get an amazing low price on signed copies for your club.

Meet the Author: Also, depending on the location of your club, I will come to your club for any questions and discussion from your club.

1. Contact me at telling me that you are going to be using A Future for Tomorrow for your book club. Tell me how many copies you need and I will ship them asap (all signed)

This will qualify you for the discount book price and enter you into a drawing contest.

Contest Prize:

$30 worth of your choice of scrapbook supplies from Close to my Heart.
(also card kits available from CTMH)

(note: Your club needs to have at least 4 members.)

Enter Contest without having book club:
Ways you can get one entry each:
1. Post about my book club offer on your blog.
2. Follow this blog
3. Mention my book club offer on facebook
4. Mention it on tweeter

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Food = Sin ?

I remember telling the counselor who worked with me on my eating disorder after I was released from the hospital that I felt guilty and sinful when I hate. He asked me how did I ever link eating with sin.
I knew this connection was partial made because of the message from media. I remember seeing ads saying "guilt-free, fat-free ice cream."
This message still infuriates me. There is a new commercial that demonstrates my point, here it is:

Did you notice the words linked to sin, "wicked" (referring to a pastry) "tempting," and "trying to be good" (meaning depriving yourself of certain foods)

I encourage you to bring consciousness to the hidden messages in commercials, ads and other media. I especially hope if you have children in appropriate age range to understand, that you help point out these messages and counter with what is true.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Eternal Body

Today I've been pondering the eternal nature of our physical bodies. Our bodies are so important and vital for our progression that one of the major purposes for this life is just to receive one.

We know that when the plan of receiving our bodies was presented to us in the premortal existence that we not only accepted the plan but rejoiced. We long awaited the gift of a physical body.

Today I read a scripture in D&C 138 It's speaking about the time the Savior spent between being crucified and resurrecting. He visited the spirit world- specifically the dead, who had already lived on earth and was now separated from their bodies. It tells how the spirits were now free (by the atonement and resurrection of the Savior) free because they could be reunited with their bodies. In verse 50 it reads:

For the dead had looked upon the long absence of their spirits from their bodies as a bondage.

Try to imagine how you would feel leaving your body behind.

How precious are our bodies? I remember being taught that part of our test on earth was to see how we treated our bodies. How are we doing? Do we value our bodies as the temples they are? Do we respect them?

What will you do with what you know?

With knowing these truths-- how will you treat your body now? Will you continue to put it down? Will you abuse it with deprivations or over indulgence? What will you do differently?


This week treat your body with the respect it deserves as an eternal body. Be kind to it and take care of it in a manner that would be pleasing unto our Father which is in Heaven.

I'm Back

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. As most of you know I had a rough pregnancy which kept me physically only able to complete the bare essentials of daily functions.

I'm happy to announce that trial in my life is over and was indeed worth it since I'm now blessed with a beautiful baby boy! He is 5 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe how time has flown since his birth.

I want to get back in the swing of things now and doing all I can to spread my story as well as help guide others to find their divine worth.

Hope you join me!