I'm curious to see how many of you feel that you have taken unhealthy steps for the purpose of losing weight. In your life time have you taken diet pills? Made yourself throw up? Fasted (not for religious purposes)? Tried a fad diet? Exercises obsessively?
If you haven't I would also like to hear a no response so I can conclude some sort of statistic.
Yes, I cut a significant amount of calories from my diet and exercised excessively.
Thanks Micaela for your comment.
-Micaela is a person to admire. She too as overcome anorexia without set backs for 11 years.
Love you Micaela!
I abused diet pills just after high school. I got to the point where I was taking almost the entire package each day. My heart started doing funny things and I quit. I've never made myself throw up (worst fear) but I used to try. I've fasted for long periods of time. I got to the point where I would eat part of an apple and part of a slice of bread per day, and that's all. I've overeaten most of my life. Never exercised obsessively. Never really exercised at all. No fad diets to make mention about. All in all I've been pretty messed up with the whole eating thing.
Thank you Kelly for your comment. I'm sorry you have had a life with such heartache. Hang in there!
I've never done anything obsessive to lose weight, but if I were to find something that really worked, I might go overboard with it. I have an addictive personality, so anything I do, I tend to overdo.
Thanks Trisi-
I have an addictive personality too, which was demonstrated by my severe eating disorder.
I remember in high school trying to make myself throw-up but I couldn't get past the dry-heaving (thankfully). I've tried a couple fad diets like the cabbage soup diet but frankly I don't have the will power. Having babies and nursing has been the best thing for me strangely enough. I don't know if it is the chasing them around or what but I feel I have more self confidence then before.
Thanks Chalise for your comment, I didn't realize that you had tried those means of weight lose before.
You have always been beautiful I'm surprised you ever felt self conscious about yourself. Thank you again for the participating.
I've never tried anything really weird or overboard to lose weight. The most I've ever done, was drink the Herbalife nutrition shakes twice a day & exercise.
Thanks for your response Danyelle. I'm glad you have not participated in anything too unhealthy.
I'm afraid I've swung back and forth from comforting myself with food to going completely without. I've tried tons of fad diets, done juice fasts for extended periods of time, and tried different pills, though usually herbal. It would be nice to overcome the hold food has on me emotionally.
Thank you Karen for sharing this with us. I am blown away on how many people do similar behaviors as you mentioned. Hang in there, awareness is a huge part of it.
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