Beautiful and valiant are the two words that come to mind when describing the young women I spoke to this week at a Stake Fireside in Pleasant Grove.
What amazingly strong young women we have in these days. As I spoke to the chapel full of their beaming faces I felt the overwhelming love their Father in Heaven has for them. The sad part is seeing how few of them knew it.
My presentations change a bit depending on the event, however when speaking to women of any age I always feel the impression that these daughters need to be reminded of their divine worth, inner beauty, and the power in knowing that they're daughters of the most powerful God.
No doubt Satan knows his greatest tool in keeping these young women and us from actually completing our sacred mission on earth is keeping us blinded to the fact that we are deeply loved spiritual daughters with infinite worth and potential.
Think of that, literally we cannot fulfill our purpose, or mission, part of our reason for this existence on Earth if Satan can destroy our self-worth. He can halt our service to others, and our personal growth with this one tool.
Wednesday I shared quotes such as the quote I have as my blog header above and this one:
“As daughters of God, you cannot imagine the divine potential within each of you.
Being a daughter of God means that if you seek it, you can find your true identity. You will know who you are. This will make you free—not free from restraints, but free from doubts, anxieties, or peer pressure. You will not need to worry, “Do I look all right?” “Do I sound OK?” “What do people think of me?” A conviction that you are a daughter of God gives you a feeling of comfort in your self-worth. It means that you can find strength in the balm of Christ. It will help you meet the heartaches and challenges with faith and serenity.” --- James. E. Faust
As I spoke I saw many girls squirm in their seats as I told them how beautiful and amazing they were.
I saw girls uncomfortably ducking as if saying "that doesn't apply me, my worth is not great. I am not beautiful."
I get it. I was once there and still need to be reminded at times that I'm good enough, and loved.
I too need to rise above such feelings at times, but how grateful I am that the debilitating low self-esteem is something I have left behind forever.
I pray the girls and women I speak to will feel their worth and commit to sustaining and cultivating this truth.
Wonderfully, on Wednesday night there were many that have internalized these principals and radiated with this conviction.
But seeing the few that battled to accept their self broke my heart. I imagined how it must feel for our Father and Mother in Heaven watching their children be oblivious to and even denying their great value.
What can we do?
There are several things as individuals we can do to feel our worth and things we can do to help our children.
Of course I am always saying start with yourself! If you have a good self-esteem that will flow to your children.
Today I would like to stick to one challenge that I extended to the young women at the fireside, simply pray to know your worth, pray to feel His love for you.
I know our Father in Heaven will answer your sincere prayers.